Saturday, July 27, 2013


Is this even considered a blog? I mean, this is just me talking to my self.. right? Well, I am just SO sick of everything right now. I came to Saskatchewan, with the notion that I would be riding bella, flinging mud with my tires, and having fun. But since Krissy isn't feeling up to it (she's depressed) I literally sit at home. I mean I'm not complaining! I'm in a gated community for Heavens sake! It's just.. I was depressed, I GET it, I know where she's coming from.. I have the scars to prove it. BUT, I got up for school every morning so i could come here. I didn't just give up when the giving got rough. AND I sure as hell NEVER let ANYONE down because of my own personal issues. I don't want to give Krissy the label "weak" because she is the strongest person i know. She has gone through more than i could ever face, or even imagine! She is AMAZING! And she is getting WAY better now that I've been here. I was just bummed out that i'm 2 weeks in, and i haven't done anything I really want to. I am being selfish i know that. I haven't said any of this out loud, and i don't plan to. I just had to tell someone how i was feeling.. and at this moment.. My blog is my only companion.

- Isabel


I am finally in Saskatchewan. I'm sorry i haven't posted in FOREVER!! but i'm back now! :) look forward to hearing more

Monday, July 1, 2013

                                                  Favorite show

Sunday, June 30, 2013


O.M.G. It's finally summer. summer. summer. I cannot stop saying that word. After a crazy year, here i am. Grade 10 folks. wow. I can't believe i made it this far, It's like i blinked, and the year was over.
Let me tell you, for a while there i thought i was going to have to go to summer school... Apparently I dominated my exams, and finished with flying colors. Thank God. I'm leaving for Saskatchewan around the 15th, you better believe I'm exited for that! I have to remember to write more often.. It's good for me. Well bye. - Isabel

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

boys boys boys

last day of school today! pretty pumped! all that's left is exams then I.AM.DONE!!!
Today is a pretty great day if i do say so myself... as you can probably tell, i'm very exited! 
That all aside I need a boyfriend. I mean its not like i'm desperate or anything.. I'm just lonely, and i want one of those cute relationships.. I keep telling myself that i'm not finding anyone because every guy in this town is an asshole.. But even then, it makes me feel bad. You start to doubt yourself you know? Like why am i not good enough? But then my inner diva comes out and snaps her fingers, tells me i'm an idiot and to smarten up.. am i rambling? I am. I apologize. But what else is a blog for, no one reads it, so this is my diary.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Made it through the week.

This week dragged on.. I honestly thought it wouldn't end. Anyways, i'm done school other than for exams and Monday & Tuesday :( but I'm still pretty exited!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Summer 2013

School ends on the 17th and i'm actually nervous. All the people i know now are going to change over the summer.. Hell I'm going to change over the summer. I don't know what's going to happen while i'm in Saskatchewan, will i find love? will i find success? Summer 2013 is just a wild adventure waiting to be explored. I know when i come back i'll be different, everyone always is, but i just can't help wondering if i'm going to have the same best friends, or the same "look," or even the same personality. I don't know anything other than this: i'm going to ride my brains out (a horse, get your mind out of the gutter,) It's going to be me and Bella together. I'm going to forget this small town, all these small town guys, with small town dreams, living off their small town fame... I'm going to be free! at least until September guys.


Today me and the girls went out for a birthday dinner for Drew! We went to a waterfront restaurant, and the food was DELICIOUS! mm.... we got some appies, mushroom caps, calamari, chicken wings, and things called chachos.. their basically homemade potato chips with cheese, bacon, and green onions, and then you dip it in chipolata dressing. YUMMY!!!

Sunday, June 9, 2013


last night was grad, and i did the makeup for some girls! it was very hectic.

today is a "do nothing day"

Monday, June 3, 2013


I really suck at this.. Maybe I should do something else. How about all the ridiculous things that happen to me, cause there is A LOT of those. Anyways today I found a hidden vodka bottle in the couch.. Dads at it again, I should have known he wouldn't quite for me. ugh.. life.. Well something good did happen today! I went for a 5 hour quad ride (my back and ass are killing me,) I got 75% on my Science test (WHOOTWHOOT!!!) and on Friday i get my Rook piercing! so thats good! but as usual life is going to shit and i'm probably going to sink again, but for now i'm doing good! Cross your fingers for me! - Isabel

Saturday, June 1, 2013

God damn

shit i forgot to make a post yesterday.. wow i'm already behind. Today I went to a prawn festival with drew and my mom, dad was doing security, WHATEVER though. I had fun! me and drew just got back from Chinese food, and now i'm trying to make a fucking WiFi hot spot in the house, wish me luck.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Shots Shots Shots

Today was interesting... I ended up coming home early from school. First block i had p.e. and was goalie in soccer (fuck my life) I ended up with bruises covering almost every inch of my body... Not to mention banging my fractured toe. Right after leaving the change room i get called to the office, and was told i had to get vaccines.. (again fuck my life..) I pulled the "wimpy" card and called my dad to pick me up. So now here I am lying in bed with my dog watching Heartland.

I'm starting to think this whole "blog" thing might just turn out to be fun..
Ugh i just remembered I have to take a ferry tomorrow with my brother (Ian 21 years old) to the island  to help my mom with the rest of the boxes.. (shes moving back to the mainland!! (I havent lived in the same town as my mom for almost 5 years...) Anyways you'll probably get another post later tonight if I don't fall asleep first.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Blog Start

Well well well, hello world. I'm Isabel. I'm 15 years old, not the best speller, and my grammar might want you to rip your hair out... This blog is going to be my outlet. You see i haven't been feeling the best about life lately, and i'm making this promise to my self that for 1 year, i will make at least 3 or more blog posts a week. Even if their short little pity parties, or i'm talking shit about my parent.. It will be on here. I need something to live for, so hopefully this might give me some motivation... At least for a year, so buckle up folks and enjoy the emotional ride of a teenage girls life.